Scientific Hand Analysis
This is a listing of our library of Scientific Hand Analysis (SHA) workshops, classes and courses.
See the Events Calendar tab for availability.

An overview of some of the workshops, classes and courses available
under the SCIENTIFIC HAND ANALYSIS (SHA) category is below.
Not all classes are available at all times.
Please consult the Events Calendar tab where you can search for specific
topics and titles.
Our fingerprints are formed at approximately 14 weeks while we are in our mother’s womb. They do not change throughout our lifetime. The combination of fingerprints help us determine our life lesson — what it is we are here to learn, study and master.
The various lines and marks on our palms and fingers, as well as the shapes of our hands and fingers, do change throughout our lifetime.
Our palms hold a message to ourselves — a reminder of where we’ve been and the issues we are resolving. Lines will change, appear and disappear over time. From them we can also learn what is on the horizon for us.
Approximately 10-15% of the population has a special category of line formation in the hands called “gift markings”. Gift markings are two-fold. When not utilized, they become our challenges. We refer to the choice between using and not using, our gifts as the master path and the student path.
Scientific Hand Analysis is NOT PALMISTRY — it is a scientific, research-based methodology.
SCIENTIFIC HAND ANALYSIS utilizes data compiled from well over 60,000 pairs of hands along with studies from ancient, historical records. Created by Richard Unger almost 50 years ago, it is not palm reading and does not offer predictions.
Scientific Hand Analysis
This introduction will include: history, basic hand lines, zones and rules; dominant hand and meaning; what lines (markings mean); what if lines are different on each hand; what are gift markings.
Your fingerprints are a unique map to your life purpose, life school and the lessons you are meant to master during this lifetime. Understanding and interpreting this personal guidance system will lead to a more fulfilling life.
Learn the basis of the system and how to interpret your purpose, school and lesson as well as gift markings and much more through a variety of other workshops.
Time frame required: 2-3 hours
Investment: $100
Pre-registration and payment required.
NO pre-requisite
Scientific Hand Analysis
The “Intuitive” Gift Markings
There are four categories of Gift Markings, with a possible total of 18, located in various areas of the hand. A small percentage of the population has one gift marking and it’s a big deal. The more you have the bigger deal it is! And, of course, the more stamina, focus and integration will be required to live your Life Purpose. Your Life Purpose, despite what you may want or hope, is non-negotiable.
Your hands are, quite literally, a map of your Soul and how you chose to play out your Life Purpose before/as you entered the physical realm. Your finger prints appeared on your digits at around 14 weeks in utero. No ‘changies’ allowed. This is what you chose. Now that you know it’s a map, you can choose the Master Path or the Student Path.
We will be looking at the Intuition Gift Markings on either hand, discussing some examples, and looking at your hands to see if you have any of them.
Today’s class will focus on 3 of the “intuition” gift markings – Lines of Genius, Medical Stigmata and Line of Clairvoyance – the Master and Student Path for each as well as what happens when/if you choose not to use your Gift Marking. Yes, there is a ‘penalty’ if it is not used!
Time frame required: 2-3 hours
Investment: $100
Pre-registration and payment required.
NO pre-requisite
Scientific Hand Analysis
Head Lines (and extras)
This full day, hands-on workshop will delve deeply into the ‘head line’ discussing where is it, where it ends, possible gift markings, various extras, student & master path. Handout.
Time frame required: full day
Investment: $350
Pre-registration and payment required.
NO pre-requisite
Scientific Hand Analysis
The Key to Manifesting Results, Wealth and Achievement in YOUR Business
Our hands are literally a map of how we are showing up in the world at this point in time. You may have noticed that, over time, the lines on your hands and/or the shape of your hands have changed. You might have wondered why. If you have noticed or wondered, this meeting is for you!
Come to this month’s meeting to learn how ‘Scientific Hand Analysis’ can help create awareness of your strengths and challenges …
Learn what size of business you currently have the inner resources to manifest; your ability to get, or not get, results; your ability to get things done, express ideas and to resist your natural tendencies/habits so you can make new choices to shape your world. All this from looking at one area of your hand!
Time frame required: 2-3 hours
Investment: $100
Pre-registration and payment required.
NO pre-requisite
Scientific Hand Analysis
Private Interpretation of your hand prints (with Susan)
Printing kit for private hand analysis with Susan is available. Kit is mailed to you and, once prints are returned, Susan offers a choice of written, pre-recorded or live interpretation depending on your choice of investment.
Investment: several choices available from $75 (includes printing kit)
Email Susan directly for more information.
NO pre-requisite
Scientific Hand Analysis
The 3 Primary Aspects to your Divine Contract with the Universe
Knowing your Life School, Lesson and Purpose, or the 3 primary aspects to your Divine Contract with the Universe, help you understand where your frustration and confusion are coming from and provide you with a roadmap to quickly move into a world of freedom and confidence, feeling like you finally have some control in your world.
Put another way, it can help you move from the ‘student path’ (lost on the backroads of life) to the ‘master path’ (the super highway to your destination).
This is a multiple session workshop taught in small group setting only.
Total hours: 2 full days
Investment: $600-$750
Pre-registration and payment required
NO Pre-requisite
As an early teen, Susan was already interested in what she would later learn to be her purpose.
Decades later, including a serious investment of time, energy and money, she is usually on the ‘master path’ of that purpose. There was some serious avoiding, consciously and unconsciously, of the path as well. The resulting consequence being lots of life experience(s) to learn from and share with others.
The closest to the magic key of discovering her life purpose came in 2009 when Susan met Baeth Davis and experienced her first Scientific Hand Analysis. It wasn’t until 2016 that Susan began what turned into a multiple-year certification in SHA with Baeth and is now qualified to share that knowledge with others.
Scientific Hand Analysis
Heart Lines
The horizontal line across your palm located closest to the base of your fingers is known as your HEART LINE
There are 4 Basic Heart Line Archetypes
- Passionate
- Hermit
- Big Heart
- Romantic Idealist
Each of these lines, because we are individuals, have variations on a theme so to speak … for example, you could have a passionate, acting like a big heart, a social hermit
Your heart line could be long, short, curved, straight, split, combined with another line.
You might also have what are known as heart line ‘extras’ which could include: bubbles; bending over backwards; Mars, Jupiter or Mercury mate selector, armoring, splintered and many more.
Each extra is interpreted relative to the basic heart line archetype as well as its length, positioning, start/finish, extras included and through feedback with each individual.
Each line also relates to an element (earth, air, water, fire).
- Can you guess which element relates to which archetype?
- Which Archetype do you think you might be?
Heart Lines also reveal needs, likes, dislikes, gift, how you show love, style, common partner, common error, how you express feelings and how you relate best with others.
This is a stand alone class out of many choices available which may be taken in any order.
Total hours: 2-3 hours
Investment: $100
Pre-registration and payment required
NO pre-requisite

NOTICE: All material on this website is provided for information or educational purposes only, and is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your healthcare professional, physician, accountant or other specialist.
Use of information provided by Academy of Holistic Modalities, teachers, coaches or website shall be at the user’s discretion and sole responsibility.