A little information about the Zodiac: the 12 Signs of the Zodiac are very different in between. Cancer is Cardinal, Female, and Water; Sagittarius is Double, Male and Fire; Aquarius is Male, Fixed and Air. Each sign is different and works differently in relation what house of the chart it is and what planets are inside. This New Moon July 28 happens in Cancer sidereal; the Ruler the Moon is in Cancer; feelings are strong for everybody. This month, there are many situations coming from the past for us. The Ascendent of the chart, for our area, is in Square with Ketu, at 25* Libra, the South Node of the Moon. For people who like gambling, or go to stock market, especially the last week of August, Money will be very volatile; be careful what you do.

Moon is in Cancer; Moon is the ruler (govern) Cancer sign. Moon ruler the Sun and Mercury in this chart

Mars in 21* Aries, with Uranus 24* and Rahu 25* — Mars the ruler. Until August 11 in Aries, going to Taurus

Venus 18* Gemini, ruled by Mercury and Mercury ruled by Moon, finally Venus is the ruler by Moon

Venus in Gemini until July 14, after will be in Cancer, at the same degree 11* Cancer new moon the August 23

Jupiter at 14* Pisces, Retrograde July 28, 2022, for all August will be Retrograde

Neptune /R 1* Pisces; will be direct Dec. 4, 2022, and in the same degree end of March 2023

Saturn/R 28* Capricorn all month of August until Oct 22

Pluton/R 2* Capricorn Retrograde until Oct 3

Jupiter 14* Pisces is doing protection doing a Trine with the New Moon at 11*Cancer (Water signs) lot of problem with water in

Excess: such as flooding, and for people, feelings. Jupiter is in Square with Venus, is not helping us to find solutions about inflation or economy at least for this August month

Mercury Square with Uranus is not helping us. Don’t listen to the news, very surprising and negative news

Venus and Mars, in sextile: economy and war, working together not in peoples’ favour

Saturn Karma planet, in conflict with Rahu Karma Node. The past situations are always unsolved ….(1st week of August) especially for countries or at the personal level. Try to think about what is blocking your life, in your case.

This is what the planets’ relationships in this chart are telling me. This is general information touching everybody in different areas.

Something good the Trine: from Jupiter to Sun, Moon.

The Bad last week of August, Venus, Uranus, and the Nodes: Unexpected situation in relation with food, economy money.

Horoscopes for August 2022

Aries – Mars ruler of 10 House, changes coming from other people, careful what you write or say, possibly disappointed; don’t sign any important paper at least until the August 15; stay quiet, don’t take ANY decision. Careful the 1st days of the month, be calm.

Taurus – The future start to open after negatives times, good time for meditation about yourself, try to understand what is important for you, go inside and look about priorities. Good time to look for new ideas/creativity/solutions.

Gemini – Careful until August 21, until Mercury is going to Leo (After August 18, the Sun will be in Leo too: very powerful). Some past  issues? Careful with papers, don’t sign anything without lawyer advice. Careful in all kinds of communications.

Cancer – You are free for some days to take decisions; careful around Aug 7th and 17th, the rest of the month seems good. Is time to improve your look and personality, go to the Hairdresser and change your look. This month is ALL about you.

Leo – Enjoy summer and be happy, buy a lottery ticket, play, go to the casino, enjoy life; after Aug 21 be careful how you talk, write, or communicate. Pay attention when driving, be careful with accidents in your house or in the street and with Metal objects.

Virgo – Changes are slow, lot of aggressivity around you, DON’T react. Try to focus in other subjects, don’t put attention to the provocation,

don’t take unnecessary risks, careful with papers or notes. Clean up as much you can everything in relation with the past.

Libra – If you need to do something don’t complain and do it as soon you can; you are not going to have the help you would like. Careful  with money, you can have unpleasant surprises, probably some payment you forget.

Scorpio – Aggressivity is in the air … not yours, but around you; careful with expenses, you are spending too much; at the same time you are having more work or clients than the past months, more opportunities open your future. Careful the first days, dangerous situations.

Sagittarius – Good for movement, communications, writing or talking. Don’t gamble, don’t take risks, lot of creativity and changes. Friends coming from past or people that you forget will be again in your life. Some friends will be going far. Careful with finances.

Capricorn – Everything that happens now in your life coming from situations or peoples outside of you. Lots of aggressivity in the place you are living; careful with a situation or problem with your home or near family. Watch your investments.

Aquarius – Good time to take care of your health, change diet, exercise, movement, travel, change décor, time for a dream; become interested in metaphysical ideas, meditation, spirituality, you can travel with your imagination too.

Pisces –Good time to stay home, change decoration, do improvements, don’t do investments currently, wait until the middle of the month; do the balance with your money and decide what you want to do; it is good time for travel.