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Horoscopes November 2022

Horoscopes November 2022

by NORAH NASTURAS New Moon was October 25, 2022 November 8th, 2022 will be a Partial Lunar Eclipse, at the same time that the Full Moon and At 21* Aries sidereal. Will be possible to see it, at the half West of Canada, the East part of Russia and north of Pacific...



In North America, the beaver is an iconic animal. For many people, seeing a beaver is a special event. There are several things that seeing a beaver can symbolize. First, the beaver is a symbol of great inner strength. When you see a beaver, it can remind you to...



Bears are magical woodland creatures, linked to ancient healings, spiritual power, intuitive sight, and harmony in nature. Throughout history and mythical folklore, bears play a vital role in the larger link between humans and the collective world in which we live....



You are being reminded to address your feelings and emotions rather than ignoring them. Feeling things allows you to grow. In general, when Frog symbolism jumps into your life, it indicates that now is a time to find opportunities in transition. In other words, the...



Bees represent creativity, resourcefulness, teamwork, collective consciousness, communication, hard work, manifestation, and the sacred feminine. They are nature’s alchemists, architects, and matriarchs. Bees also represent divine love and creation, showing us that...



Dragonflies represent transformation, expansion, self-realization, determination, and spiritual pursuits. They are a blend of fire and water energy, representing the importance of balanced yin and yang energy, or masculine and feminine in your daily and spiritual...

The Dirty Dozen

The Dirty Dozen

If you’re like me, you look at labels and probably have for years, if not decades. This list is very useful yet certainly not complete. Print it and carry it with you when shopping, especially for cosmetics, hair care, skin care products, etc. Have you an...

Squirrel = Preparation

Squirrel = Preparation

GET READY FOR BIG CHANGES A squirrel may appear to you as spiritual guidance to encourage you to delegate some of your tasks to others so that you can have more free time to do the things you are good at. You may be taking on too much responsibility, and therefore...

Hummingbird = Joy

Hummingbird = Joy

LIGHTEN UP! Hummingbirds vibrate at a very high vibration, which makes them more connected to the spiritual realm. Their behaviors are influenced by the spiritual presence of angels, guides, or loved ones that have passed on. Spiritually, hummingbirds represent...

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