

Have you ever found yourself captivated by the sight of a heron gracefully soaring through the sky or patiently stalking its prey in shallow waters? These majestic birds have long been revered for their beauty and grace, but did you know that they also carry deep...


Dive into the enigmatic world of the fox spirit animal, where each swish of its bushy tail unveils deep layers of symbolism and meaning. This creature’s presence in your life may whisper secrets about harnessing agility, sensitivity, and a fierce independence that...


Crow as a Symbol of Transformation Crows are often seen as powerful symbols of transformation in different cultures and belief systems. These intelligent birds have the ability to adapt and thrive in various environments, making them a perfect...

Insights for December 2023

AUTHOR: Vanja Banks, Spiritual Astrologer & Healing Guide (Astrobloom) After an intense Scorpio season, most of us are likely feeling a welcome  and more optimistic shift into Sagittarius energy this last week of November. This energy invites us to get out of...
Do you have these Gift Markings?

Do you have these Gift Markings?

by Susan Crutcher, Professional Hand Analyst and Life Empowerment Mentor Mercury Mound (LH) | Pluto Zone (LH) | Pluto and Moon Zones (RH) Intuition Gift Markings In Scientific Hand Analysis, each of the above handprints highlights a “gift marking” on the...