Happening the Oct 29, 2023, at 16 hrs. 04’ for Ottawa, CANADA At 10* 44’ Aries sidereal/Eastern astrology or 5*09 Taurus in Tropical/Western astrology.

As always, an Eclipse affects everybody in the regions under the shadow. Then, if you have planets in this sensitive’s degrees in whatever sign, for sidereal astrology 10* Aries, or Tropical 5* Taurus. The effect of a Lunar eclipse is around one month, the solar eclipse is between 1 and 6 months.
Because is a lunar eclipse is in relation with all the significations of the Moon, here some of them to give an idea: Movement, people in general, movement of people, women in particular, Mind in the body, unstable, Family/mother, movement in the social, Digestion in the physical body, Food in general as subject of attention for the world. Mirages in communication, lies in information, confusion, in general people.
As I say before talking about the last Solar eclipse the October 14, 2023, Eclipse word meaning is something is going far from our lives or something is going to change in relation the planet that is touched, where it is in relation with Sign or houses or relationship with the other planets.
Then… how is the game for the November month?
Nodes ready to start a new cycle of 18 years at 0* Aries/Libra the November 30, 2023 – going retrogrades to Pisces.
Moon going around the zodiac and touching all the signs in the month.
Sun 10*, Mercury 16* and Mars 17* in Libra. (Ruled by Venus 24* Leo). until the middle of the month and after Mars until the end of November.
Jupiter is retrograde in Aries until Dec 30, 2023 – Mars
Saturn is Retrograde in Aquarius Nov 4, 2023 – Saturn
Uranus Retrograde in Aries until January 27, 2024 – Mars
Neptune Rétrograde in Pisces until Déc. 5, 2023 – Venus/Jupiter
Pluto retrograde in Capricorn until October 11, 2023 – Saturn
The game is between Venus, Mars, and Saturn….and Mars and Saturn they have opposite actions, then….. be careful whatever sign you are.

Aries — November will bring positive and negative experiences. In relation with job, take advantage of the first 15 days and be careful with your actions the rest of the month. Try to be calm and be patient. Stay relaxed and listening to each other, don’t jump to attack, don’t take too seriously what people say. Don’t be mad.
Taurus — Some positive energy, in general for everybody and you will have too, the support from family and friends, in relation with your ideas, whatever the conflict is always a possible solution. If you have an online business, it will need some attention; concentrate and probably you can have success.
Gemini — You will have good time and some advancement in your career; in general all month is positive, with good reputation in the workplace, or if you are passing exams, favourable result and substantial positive advantages. Is a good time to talk with your boss and ask for a raise. Good time to look in Real Estate too.
Cancer — Be careful this month, there will be lot of ups and downs with positive and negative experiences. Whatever you are planning to do better if you postpone for next month. Be careful with some situation at a financial level. Careful too with driving, movements and what you are eating. Take good care of your health.
Leo — The first part of the month will be difficult, and shifting the attention to another subject is not going to fix the problems; be careful with all kinds of discussions, especially with family or friends or workers. Be calm and stay away the political or economic discussions. Focus on changes coming to your life.
Virgo — November will bring a mix of experiences for Virgo people; careful about budget and expenses or debts. Organize your financial situation. The situation is changing very fast and is difficult to take care of all this angles. You will need to find a person you feel in complete confidence to talk about finances. Be selective.
Libra — Remain cautious if in business; be careful what your partners are doing. Limited support for seniors’ colleges, don’t lend money to anyone as will be difficult to recover, wait the last days of the month, the situation will be improving. Take care what you eat and the stress. Relax and meditate.
Scorpio — The energies this month sun very favourable for you in many different fronts, especially at the social levels; lots of interact with friends and other people. Be careful with your health; if you were having chronic illness or physical or mental distress hope is on the horizon. In general, will be a positive period.
Sagittarius – This month it seems that you can have success in different areas and be sure this is only the result of a very hard work. You will have, both, at home and at work possibilities of life improvement. You are going to, at an additional level, enjoy the company of a special person, a partner or marital partner. Enjoy.
Capricorn — The perfect time to try new business ventures; another collaboration with co-workers or friends will be a good idea, at the business level is possible to improve your position. Will be interesting too to try in the political field, but always be very careful, control your anger. Be very diplomatic, don’t provoke violent reactions.
Aquarius — Things are changing, planets are changing direction, make very careful plans for your future and wait. Impulsive decisions will give mistakes; taking shortcuts will give more work. This is not the moment, first analyse the actual situation until you understand how works. Careful with personal health.
Pisces — Prepare yourself, lots of different experiences this month, more work this month; avoid arguments, be clear in trivial discussions; try to stay calm and relax. It is not a good month to try to impose yourself. Listening what the other wants to say and think about giving your opinion.
Norah Nasturas, norah.nasturas@gmail.com 1-519 497 6517 Text only www.norah-astrology.com
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