by Niki Klein | Aug 28, 2022 | Astrology, Horoscope
by NORAH NASTURAS Aries – changes, you are going to do some courses or study something for pleasure or to improve the quality of your life Taurus – careful with expenses, you are expending too much in food and following your impulse, restriction after the 25 Sept...
by Niki Klein | Jul 27, 2022 | Astrology, Horoscope
by NORAH NASTURAS A little information about the Zodiac: the 12 Signs of the Zodiac are very different in between. Cancer is Cardinal, Female, and Water; Sagittarius is Double, Male and Fire; Aquarius is Male, Fixed and Air. Each sign is different and works...
by Niki Klein | Jun 26, 2022 | Astrology, Horoscope
By NORAH NASTURAS Planets position for this month: Mercury, ruler of the New Moon in Gemini from July 3rd to 16 in Gemini, from 17 to 31 in CancerVenus in Taurus from 1st to 14, in Gemini from 15 to 31Mars in Aries, Jupiter Retro in Pisces, from July 18 until Nov 23,...
by Niki Klein | May 29, 2022 | Astrology, Horoscope
by NORAH NASTURAS Aries – Be prudent, don’t try to do new things, stay with your routine, Aries is the 12 house of the new moon, and for this month will bring to you some unexpected expenses, Saturn is doing an aspect to this Venus there, then be careful with...
by Niki Klein | Apr 28, 2022 | Astrology, Horoscope
Aries – Creativity in relation with action. Do it. Mars in Aquarius, freedom. Future is open, think and see what you need to improve in your life. The moment is now. Do it. The New Moon here, Aries is the focus, be careful with aggression, anger, mental or impulsive...
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